  • "Promoting the Concept of "High nature value" (HNV) Farming through Civil Society Organisations in Macedonia", (in cooperation with AVALON Foundation, fin. by MATRA Program)
  • "EU Environmental Policies and Strategies in South Eastern Europe: Capacity Building for the Implementation of EU Environmental Policies and Strategies in R. Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia", (in cooperation with IUCN - The World Conservation Union, fin. By EC)

- "Sustainable Development of Europe" (Friends of the Earth; fin. EC)
- "Towards Sustainable Agriculture of Republic of Macedonia" (Friends of the Earth; fin. EC)
- "Informative Documentary Center" (fin. Institute for Sustainable Communities)
- "Capacity building in the field of nature conservation and environmental protection for - Macedonian NGOs" (partner: Pro Natura Switzerland; fin. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)
- "Sustainable Use of Resources in Europe – SURE" (Friends of the Earth; fin. EC)
- "Development of NGOs and Establishment of Resource Centers in Macedonia" (partner: DECEP; fin. Phare/Tacis Democracy Program)

1. Public Campaign "Green and Clean Macedonia" (fin. UNDP)

- Program for support on environmental NGO in Macedonia:
I component: Local initiatives for organic agriculture;
II component: Conservation on the Pelister mounting (partner: Pro Natura Switzerland; fin. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)
- "Mobilizing dialogue - Ecological education in action" (partner: Zeleni Balkani, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, fin. SOROS)
- Strengthening the capacities of The Ecologists' Movement of Macedonia (fin. Macedonian center for international cooperation – MCIS)

1. Participation on the European campaign "Carbon Dinosaur Tour 2004" (fin. FoE Europe and UNDP-Macedonia)
2. Initiatives for legislation and increasing the public awareness for GMO in Republic of Macedonia (fin. REC-Macedonia)
3. Participation on the European campaign "European citizens demand – fight climate change" (fin. Swedish NGO Secretariat for Acid Rain and UNDP-Macedonia)
4. "Don't be a fossil, use Sun as energy" (fin. by Ministry of environment and physical planning Macedonia)
5. "Save the forests from fire" (fin. by Ministry of environment and physical planning Macedonia)
6. "Promotion of the volunteerisms" (fin. by SEEEN Network)
7. "Think for tomorrow – recycle today" (fin. by International Finance Corporation – IFC)
8. "Promoting Public Participation and Enforcement of New Environmental Legislation at the Local Level" (fin. by The Balkan Trust for Democracy, USA Embassy, Ministry of environment and physical planning-Macedonia, Mobil operator COSMOFON, SNV - Netherlands Development Organization)
9. "Call for saving clime changes" (fin. by Ministry of environment and physical planning)
10. "CLARITY" (fin. by Ministry of finance, Peace Corps - Macedonia)
11. "Civil-military cooperation for the promotion of transboundary nature conservation along the European Green Belt" (South Eastern Europe) (in cooperation with IUCN - The World Conservation Union, fin. By Federal Agency for Nature conservation from German)
12. Global Climate Action Day December 2008, (in cooperation and fin. by FoE Europe)
13. "Walk on the Wild Side" – Building up capacity and strengthening cooperation for the promotion of transboundary nature conservation along the South Eastern European Green Belt, (in cooperation with IUCN - The World Conservation Union, fin. By Federal Agency for Nature conservation from German